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Monday, December 31, 2007
Take Ownership for Vista
Download :
If somehow you wanted to remove this, just double click on the remove registry file and its gone.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Summary of my China Trip
Talking about the airport, I arrived late on Sat and ended up paying rmB45 to get to my hotel. On my return trip, I took public bus. why? Because I simply needed to experience how good/bad it is. Whats the point of being there and not doing it. The result is about 50 mins (as compared to 20 minutes) ride and only RMB1. Well, thats the way to go if you doing budget.
I had travelled to a University of sort in Dalian at the seaside. That one of the best view to get of the seaside I guess at this time. I did not have the time to travel to the other seaside parks, so this will have to do. The wind is pretty big and the sea is wide open. And its blue in case you wonder how it looks. True blue. Not many sea has this color around here. There was a small park there outside of the university and I see people bringing their dogs there. Unleashed. Ya, probably there is no need cos the dogs are pretty well trained and I think people has the right expectation here.
I travelled along the bus routes and visit some parks. The only thing I can say is that the traffic is horrible in Dalian. The traffic light is there, but nobody ever obeys it. Not the vehicles, not the pedestrians. Nobody does. You basically see no cars and make a dash for it. Thats the only thing I hated. I think if you expected any vehicles to slow down or stop for you, you will very likely end up in the morgue. BTW, Dalian has one of the highest moto vehicles fatality in the whole world.
Well, thats about all I can say about Dalian since I am really there for a gew days, but really only about 12 hours of time on my own...
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
X'mas at 30000 Feet
The flight from Shanghai back was filled with unnecessary people (to me) from some tour group whom keep talking about things they knew (and expected everyone else to know or are interested). I kept quiet. sleepy. But deep down, I did not wanted myself to be associated with these group of people. The air stewardess asked me something... I just nodded or shake my head, pretending I did not understand the language. I had pretty good service of course, she must had thought I am a Japanese or Korean. :) That must be something pretty bad I did. There was this other Japanese old man, whom I can't help but speak a few sentences to him in Japanese to ask where he is from, going etc... Well, luckily he is more interested in his books then me or the air stewardess. :P Or I could not had continued the conversation.
Its sad. Not because of the job. I get paid pretty well and its something simply and straight forward. Just the helplessness of being so high yet lonely. There is a chinese saying that the higher you go, the more lonely you get. I guess its true literally.
Anyway, at that moment, I suddenly remembered a song by 迪克牛仔 called 三万英尺. It must had described my feeling pretty well there... Here is the MTV for those whom has not heard of it.
CWCheat 0.2.0
Upgrade Installation for PSP Slim :
For Slim version, just remove the cwcheatpops.prx and cwcheat.prx in your seplugins directory. The reason is that the filename has changed. You should copy the one in 3.71\lite\ into your seplugins directory.
Ok, next you will need to edit the pops.txt, game150.txt and game.txt if you have other modules loaded as well. You need to paste in these 3 lines :
Or if you don't have anything else, you can use the file I had customed and replaced it all in the /seplugins directory..
I had prepared a slim installation, without manual and everything. Just the files and the latest DB as of Xmas 2007 for slim on 3.71m33-3 or 4. Just extract it to root will do. /seplugins directory has been done for you. You will only need to custom the installation to include the 2 lines above and not overwrite pops.txt if you have other modules installed.
Anyway, here are the changes in this release :
- [ALL] now it’s possible to change clock > 222/166 on 3.71+ firmwares. thanks to Dark_AleX.
- [ALL] now 3.71+ builds requires 3.71m33-3 or never because of required patches available only from that version
- [ALL] changed drive checking method: now it should be almost immediate in the initialization (no more waiting) and even in a more safe way
- [ALL] The new drive checking method made possible removing various checks introduced before because they became useless reducing so the PRX size
- [IRSHELL] Now (in IR Shell builds) the drive (or emulated one) is checked every time you open the menu so when you start the game in iR Shell
(or other loaders which works in a similar way) the next time the menu is opened the game db is automatically loaded accordingly.
- [ALL] fixed an optimization glitch which blocked the USB function from being disabled
- [ALL] some code about USB was removed from builds with USB disabled
- [ALL] fixed a little glitch which made the CPU frequency option go from 333 to 266 without going trough 300, optimized also a bit the code managing it
- [ALL] now when you add a new cheat in the cheat selection menu a number is put after the “NEW CHEAT” name, like if you searched for it
- [ALL] Fixed some texts to be more proper and have a better case
- [ALL] now never texts are translatable using the classic cwcheat.lng in the CWCheat folder.
- [ALL] Added Norwegian translation thanks to blackrave
- [ALL] Updated Italian translation.
N.B. Older language files are now incompatible, if you have done one before which isn’t in the package please tell me so I can add your language
file to the database for quick generation in case of change of positions of things in the file. Users should grab the new for language file
from the package and replace the one they were using before.
PSP Slim Upgrade to 0.2.0 with latest DB :
CWCheat 0.2.0 Official package :
CWCheat Official Website :
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Gearing up for the SubZero
This trip will be simple. I would be covered most of the time and as such I am not planning much for the sightseeing unless I can adapt to the weather and the coastal breezes. However, there are 2 (or more) trips I must make to get to the work place which is like 20 mins walk probably across a few roads. The weather however will not be on my side.
So, I had to get a couple of wool clothes, gloves (boy, I love those ski gloves, but I have absolutely no use for them) and scraf. I also recall you can probably get heatbags, but I did not see any of those here...
Well, from what I heard, the weather will not be the least of my problem. the traffic is a bloody riot my friend say. Dalian has one of the highest moto vechicles fatality rate in the world. Thats the strong statement. Anyway, I will have to pack mobile and light. I do hope my cranky laptop will survive the subzero temperature as well.
Going to Dalian Soon
But this is not goingto be a leisure trip the way I see it. I will need to be in on a Sunday for work and I will spend my X'mas on the redeye flight back. Thats not really sad consider I am not much of a X'mas guy.
Anyway, this trip will be significant not in term of where I am, but rather its my first oversea assignment and I will see to it that this wont be the last. Will try to blog when I get there.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
PSP iRShell V3.81.1
Because I had "patched" the V3.81 to V3.81.1 inside here, so there is no need to download 1 full install and 1 update. This is the full 1 step to V3.81.1 install. I had also ripped out the PDF for those who think they can handle without the doc. However, I had uploaded them as a different file in case you want them anyway.
1. To install, extract all the content of the main zip to your PSP MS main directory. Yes, all the directories are build properly.
2. Start your XMB (which is the lbue screen menu by sony) and run the iRShell application.
3. Click on the first icon which is the Directory View.
4. Click .. to go up to the main directory if you are not there already. Find /IRShell//PATCH/3.71.
5. Click X on the file btcnfpatch.prx and run it. This will patch your 3.71 firmware to autorun IRShell.
6. We are not done. Many people did not know this and have problem running ISO/CSO. Now go to the icon that says iR Shell Configurator. Its the middle one in the last row. Run it.
7. Find UMD Mode. This is the 3 line from the top. Change this to M33 NoUMD Mode. If not, you will always get the no disc inserted error when you run a ISO/CSO.
7. Thats all you need to do. I may want to show you some skins and stuff, but thats in another post later. Other stuffs, RTFM.
Here are the files.
Main files :
Documentation :
PSP Wifi Scanner - Road Dog V1e
I had uploaded this anyway, even though it did not work for the PSP Slim. This application was obviously written for the 1.50 kernel.
PSP 3.71M33-4 Pop Loader Fix
Anyway, as usual, here is my link to the very small update. Just copy it into the seplugins directory.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Windows Vista SP1 RC
Download using Windows Update at :
Or get the whole Standalone CD for all languages at :
PSP 3.71M33-4
Here is the what's changed :
- Bugfix: Multidisc psx games bought in the psn store would not work due to the format being differentand M33 treating them as decrypted games.
- Added support for decrypted multidisc psx games created with popstation_md (supplied with this release).
Included in the package is a new version of popsloader.
Changelog in popsloader:
- Bugfix: Games without compression had sound issues when using 3.72 pops. Fixed.- Added support for multidisc psx games created with popstation_md. Note: multi disc games willonly work in 3.71 and 3.72 pops. Previous pops will exit to the xmb with generic error 0×80000004when attempting to run multidisc games.
Here is the firmware:
Same as M33-3, just copy over and patch. This update requires 3.71M33 at least.
So, its up to you. But I do know that Sony has released 3.80 with support for Internet Radio as shown below :Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Office 2007 SP1
Downlooad this direct from Microsoft :
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Dr Cure-It Antivirus and AntiSpyware
This is a tools I used often in environment where a 2nd opinion is good. I am sure all PC have some sort of AV and AS now, but you can never be too sure.
Here is the info:
And here is my link:
F-Secure Backlight
F-Secure Backlight is a rootkit detection plus REMOVAL tool. Why I highlighted removal is that there are some tools out there which scans for free, but you need to buy the suite to remove...
Anyway, read more about F-Seure Backlight cos I do not want to do sale preach here.
Download directly :
PSP Slim 3.71M33-3 from 3.60M33
First you will need to update to 3.71m33-1...
Download that from my previous post and then extract all to the /PSP/Game directory.
Run it from the menu and follow on screen instruction.
It will run the official Sony Firmware upgrade.
YOU MUST PRESS X or O when told to reboot!!! OR else your PSP is bricked.
Now you should have 3.71M33-1.
OK, we all know there must be a 3.71m33-2, but since we are going to 3.71M33-3, we can skip that. Just download 3.71M33-3 and then extract to /PSP/Game directory again. Do delete the old firmware upgrade before doing this.
Run it from the menu.
There is no Sony Firmware upgrade this time. Just a quick black screen with about 6-8 files copied.
There you have it. Now you are in 3.71M33-3.
You can load in the PopLoader from the 3.71M33-3 archive as well and you should cold boot up hold R. Go to SEPlugin and enable what you need. For me, I will have USBCharge and CWCheat on as well. Ya, you might as well upgrade CWCheat to 0.1.9i as well. If you put in PopLoader, enable it as well.
CWCheat V0.1.9I
Friday, December 07, 2007
Gundam oo...
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
HP Smartmedia Server
Ok, thats not the things that turns me off la.. Its AMD. Yes, I sweared I will stay away from AMD due to the heat and high power wastage. I guess this finally crossed the line.
Maybe Dell will release one based on their SC server class which is quite cheap now.
Flashget 0wnz you!
1. Flashget connects to all sort of servers in Eastern Europe, China and Russia even while its idling. Just do a netstat and you will see... To support this, just view the Flashget.exe binary and you will see a whole bunch of url and ip address inside... Whats the use of that? Really looks suspicious.
2. Flashget shareURL seems to store all the URL of things you downloaded. This mayb even be "special" download which is for you only, but once share, you know what I mean. Its a privacy issue and by default ShareURL is turned on. Although it claims that protected URL is not shared, I am not convinced how they tell which is protected.
3. Flashget transmit several online logons as plain text. This is true even for Rapidshare. By doing so, even if Flashget does not get you (I heard stories that they collect logins and passwords and people detected it was send to somewhere in china), others will because it passes through so many routes in plain. This is totally unacceptable.
4. Although Flashget claims to be totally free now, it has a bad history of installing a highly dangerous spyware in the past even when it claims its just shareware / free for personal uses then. This has really shaken the trustworthiness of the authors.
I would present the evidences and captures if necessay to support my above claims. But if you believe me, stop now. Remove Flashget and use Orbit Downloader or some others. So far, Orbit has been tested clean and works quite well. It does not have P2P for BT and emule, but it can capture video streaming like youtube etc... OK, I don't want to convert you to Orbit, you are free to choose, but you should not put Flashget as one of your choices.
Back from reservist
The experience this time was slightly better. And despite my medical condition, I still tried my best, although not everyone agrees. Its too bad they had screwed up with the manpower resources and I seriously do not think I will get anymore popular standing one side while everyone works. (Believe me, there are quite some of them like this already...). I just hope the next ICT I will at least be posted to do something which I can do without endangering anyone.
Wel, its over. I did not get to enjoy it much because it was pretty short out in the field. But I do know that sometimes, people just have to push harder and talk some senses and things can done. This is the lesson learned this time and we did not have to suffer because of some stupid decision and unnecessary kiasu-ness.
What I love most in Kopitam
Well, its sure beats the normal one with weird tasting syrups on it. But even this I have to cut down now... haha...
My Melody vs Kuromi

Kuromi is featured in a cartoon (anime) called Onegai My Melody and is My Melody's arch nemesis. She is the head of a biker gang. However, My Melody still feel warm for her and does not hate her, although the reverse is not true. She rides on a animal tapir (purple in color) called Baku which is similar to My Melody's.
So, don't be surprised by Kuromi and thought its a imitation. Yeap, imitation are not that good. Kuromi has character and is quite cool.
I will answer another long debated question here. Is My Melody Red or Pink? Or one of them is fake?
The answer is My Melody was Red in 1976 featured as Little Red Riding Hood. Then in 1977, she is in pink. But later on in the 200x, her red color image was revived and now we have both My Melody. Both are original.
How about the flower and the bow? Yes, all of them are original as well. At different stage, My Melody was using different accessories in her merchandise.
Ok, I will stop here. I refused to discuss about Hello Kitty. :P
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Office 2007 Trial expired!
1. Close all Microsoft Office applications.
2. Run Register Editor by clicking on Start -> Run, and then type “regedit” in the Open box and press Enter key.
Navigate to the following registry key:
Note that inside the registry key, there should be another subkey that resembles the following:
3. If there is more than one registry entries or subkeys that reference Microsoft 12.0 registration, open up each subkey, and then identify the product by the ProductName value data until you locate the subkey for the product which you want to remove the existing product license key.
For example:
ProductName=Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007ProductName=Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007
4. Once found the correct registry subkey, delete the following values:
5. Close Registry Editor.
Next, we want to delay the expiry.
1. In Windows Explorer, brose to the following folder:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE12\Office Setup Controller\Proof.en\
Right click on Proof.XML file, select “Open With…” in the right click menu.
2. In the “Open With” window, select Notepad to be used to open the XML file. In Vista, if you can’t see the Notepad option, simply double click the “Other Programs” to unhide it.
Scroll down to the bottom of the Proof.XML to locate the following lines:
3. Change the AlwaysInsalled to neverInstalled so that the line looks like following:
4. Save the Proof.xml file. In Windows Vista, you may need to take ownership and grant full access permission to yourself before able to modify the file.
5. You can now launch Microsoft Office 2007 application such as Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook and etc without prompting for activation.
However, I wish to stress that this is a delay technique only. You will still be missing updates, patches and other important features of Office 2007. However, this will give you enough time to quickly make the purchase and reactivate it to enjoy the full version.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
PL4L - Pay Less 4 Less
It is just not logical that when manufacturer uses less of these ingredients, it would end up charging the consumer more for it? Why? Are consumers just suckers? Or somehow manufacters hass found a way to justify it would cost more if they put less of something into their product? This alll sound so fishy. Did the Sugar Association brided all the manufacturer to put more sugar into their products? And as a result of less sugar, they lose the support of the Sugar Association (less bribe may result too).
Thats why we need to have this PL4L campaign. We should ask for less and in turn pay less for them. Maybe I will start a petition to get this started.
Warzone - Windows
The windows are finally in place after hacking it to pieces few days back on 0+6 days. Its now 0+8 days and its almost over... The windows does look weak because its light, but I guess thats how it is nowadays.
Very soon, these will be all over...
Warzone - Rebuild
Warzone - Warpath
Warzone - Destruction
Warzone - Dust Storm
Warzone - The beginning
Ya, its not just the dust. The basic need of toilet and washing is gone as well. So, beside the shellshock, this is pretty as good as a warzone now... The contractor did provide us a make shift toilet as shown. However, and luckily, before we used it, we tested it with water... And it was LEAKING. Hell, better water than shit and pee all over. They had place a make shift mat on the floor too, but I seriously think the damaged is already quite unrecoverable.
Warzone - Ground 0
All the stuff were packed and covered when possible. However, after tearing down the toilet, we just realized this was only the beginning and the protection we had in place barely protected our stuff. It was covered in dust and just brushing it across with your hand result in a layer of white powder all over.
This is my make shift place to work... Well, not really. I had to fled the place like a fugitive before the day was over.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Bus Tracking System
Thursday, November 08, 2007
SE W660i Reprise
Now, the good part. The Walkman software is quite good. In fact, its so good you can actually continue to listen to your walkman and take photo at the same time. This is definitely not what K800i can do. The MegaBass(tm) is solid if I had not mention it before and its probably the most important thing I bought this photo for. TrackID is pretty much like online DB regconisation which is so common on the PC already. However, when using it with GPRS, it cost money. So i do not forsee myself using it much. I pretty much know what I put into my walkman phone anyway.
In all, take some give some. W660i is not the top of the line phone around but well worth the price and its beats anything that plays music I know. However, for someone who wants the best of both world AGAIN, there is W960i coming... 3,2MP with NegaBass(tm). Well big deadl, K850i is already 5MP. But I have decided I will use a REAL camera and forget about camera phone for now.
House Upgrading
Another major worry I have is Xiao P. I am not sure if all the dust and hammering is good for him at all. The first day it happened to my neighbour he is already freaking out. I had to put him into my neighbour place so that he can rest well in the day.
All my notebook are locked and I have minimum access to most of my stuff. I fear this is going to be a long long month to go...
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
PSP 3.72 HX is Out!
You must have 78% battery and be running this on 3.71 M33 or 3.71 M33-2. No other firmware is supported.Run the archive to extract the files. Then place the UPDATE folder in the /PSP/GAMEFolder and then run the update from your PSP’s Game Menu. When the update is finished, you must follow the on screen prompt to press X and restart your PSP. Remember if you have any plug-ins to re-enable them in the recovery menu.
But a word of caution. If you are running PSX games on your PSP, DO NOT upgrade. This FW does not yet support PSX games.
Download at:
Sunday, November 04, 2007
ふしぎ遊戯 Poster Stolen
Its a gift from my sister and its been there for like forever. Now the wall really looks empty. The impossible thing was that this was such an old anime by now, who would steal such a thing? I just find it sad that even such a old poster can get stolen...
Its not the same to buy a new one again. And I wouldn't as well. What's lost is lost, the difficult thing was to be able to believe that I lost this because someone stole it... Not burned down, torned, faded or anything like that...
Saturday, November 03, 2007
From Hero to Zero. Phone (Down/Up)grade

So, let me play around with it for a few more days and I will be writing my review here.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Bobi is so sleepy
Monday, October 22, 2007
Microsoft Reclusa Gaming Keyboard
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Xiao P Found the Attic is Missing
"Where is my attic?"
Xiao P found his attic missing one day and he started to get very anxious.
Xiao P Runs the Merry-Go-Round
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Happy Pay (Tian Tian) Steamboat
The sign board stated $18 pe head. I know you want to say its the +++, thats big deal actually. The bill came up to $51.26 for 2 person! Yes, WTF! The soup cost $10!!! Its supposely award winning soup, but the fish head one really sucks and its like nothing you see on the advertisement. Well, even if its good, I don't think its justified to pay $10 for the soup. No GD way man.
That aside, lets talk about the food. Ok, it sucks. There is noodles, and the usual and even some of the usual like golden mushroon, crabsticks, fishcake etc are not there. The so call 55 ingredients is like max 55, you get some of it at anytime. Thats the way it works. We were there on no rush timing and managed to stay for awhile. The only saving grace was there is crap. Well, its neither hot or pepper, it not great, but still crap basically. Ok, I mis-spelled it. Its crab. :)
The meat is ordered from a sheet of paper which count the number of times you ordered. I wondered if they wil lcharge extra if you ordered more than 3 times. But I do know is that if you change soup, its extra charge. I heard this later, after I paid of course.
There are about 7 soups, but I cant find one I loved. I think the special mix chilli at the Tiong Bahru one was great, and the chilli here is nothing close. Its only close to normal chicken rice chilli. There is 2 choice of drink, barley or Lemon Tea, which is ok. But there is no dessert.
I think there is far too much bad here to say for he good at all. Pividor is just next street and its $30 for 2 full course western with soup + dessert in a quiet nice place with european settings. Tiong Bahru Plaza's Rajahinn is $40 for 2, All-You-Can without restriction. Order cooked dishes, chocolate fondue and other great stuff. My favorite Steamboat buffet, btw. I talked about that next time.
In summary, you won't find me again at Tian Tian Steamboat at Bugis. Even if I had a treat, I would advise whoever treating me to go elsewhere. Like as if anyone will want to pay $10 for the soup base in a steamboat. Maybe we should just bring our own Chicken stock and make our own soup next time. I also cannot be bothered to complain to anyone (other than you reading now) because I am sure, somewhere in those fine prints, they covered their asses.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
GrindHouse Review

Death Proof talks about a maniac car killer with a buff up "death-proof" vehicle. Well, it is. As a spoiler. He was not killed in the car. It consist of 2 segment and its almost like 2 movies already. Part 1 to introduce the character and what he do (not why though) and part 2 is where he met his match and finally pay the ultimate price. There are lots of conversation and that was what most people did not like. But I quite enjoyed it though. It may be silly bimbo talk, but I guess its satire in a different form. It enjoyable to me at least.
Planet Terror, on the other hand was handled like another zombie movie, except its much much better. There is moments of action, love, horror, violence and even a little part and bits about brotherhood. I love the tag "Two Against the World". I guess that sound nice. I don't want to say too much about Planet Terror, because I think you should just catch it yourself. If you like zombie movie, you will not be disappointed.
Dog Farm
Here is another PDF article, but the picture and details can be pretty gross, please do not read it while you are having your meal :
In any case, I decide it would be fair for myself to see it. I was there. And one farm to another, I must say getting worse and worse. I manage to walk in (yes, there is no security) to the farm. And into some area... And god, I saw a man (maybe trainer) shouting his lungs out at a dog (probably eating shit or something). Well, that may be training. Then there was this (breeding) area fenced of 4m x 4m. Guess how many Shih Tzu was housed inside this area? About 40, I would say, not less definitely. I was shocked and before I can do anything (take photo), I was asked to leave this area by someone there.
I visited the selling area, where there is fan blowing at the dogs etc, but that image of the poor Shih Tzu cram in that area. That is something I think I will carry forever in my mind.
Someone told me, its a farm. What do I expect? Perhaps so, but I can never imagine my Bobi and Wini coming from these places. I think I had enough of pet farm for a long time. I did not know what to say anymore. Boycott them? Don't buy from Pet Farm? Its all pointless. I guess everywhere is the same.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Resident Evil : Extinction Review

Shoot Em Up

Monday, October 08, 2007
Acrobat and Share Folders Security
Tell me what is the first thing in your mind.
Well, if you are thinking about the problem with a common share folder then BINGO. This is so totally unrealistic (to me) and I pointed that out. But guess what? Adobe answered that this is a COMMON practise and asked the audience how many of them has that in their office and many hands were raised. Although my question was shot down, but now we have a bigger concern here now. How can company even allow a cross-department common share folder to exist? When I audit these company, I am so going to fail them... :)
Imagine finances need to prepae the quarter budget and needs some approving and they use this feature. Miss tom-dick-and-harry from the helpdesk will also have access to this SHARED and NON-PASSWORDED folder. And the budget is in the street in no time. Or if the latest technical details of the company's secret weapon is put up for approval, then before they could finish, their competitor somehow has already completed a prototype based on a "helpful" clerk in the company.
Firstly, in my own opinion, I am so against sharing of unencrypted folders. Then to make it worse, its to be a all-access password-less folder. If proper security is put in place, each department should be having their own passworded folders. Either Adobe has totally think people will not use this feature, or they have totally overlooked security as a design. I don't even want to go into their alternative "approval by email" option.
Fire in the Neighbourhood
Basically, a motocycle caught fire and the CDF was into put it out in no time. The 2nd and 3rd storey fellow wasn't so lucky. They had soot all over their windows. But I guess since the upgrading is in progress, they did not have to wait (too) long before the windows are changed.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Lantern On Fire
Ok, maybe not the most violent, but its nice to capture something here... Jus tthe background noise will be good if tis not there...
Jeanne D'Arc
Friday, September 28, 2007
SecureZIP ~ Use your email cert

For a limited period, you can sign up and get SecureZIP for free at :
or download from
PSP 3.71 M33 is out
- Now uses 3.71
- VSH Menu is not longer launched using HOME key, but using SELECT now. This is to not interfere with the XMB function of home, which is now more useful in this firmware.
- Psp Slim: umdcache was allocating memory even when homebrew was launched, wasting memory that homebrew programs may want to use. Now umdcache module is stopped before it can allocate any memory, only in the case homebrew is launched.
- Also, memory is unprotected for user memory usage by M33 core (only when homebrew is launched). Developer, for a sample of how to use the extra memory, see the extra ram sample of the M33 sdk.
- Both version boot now from 3.XX ipl, and are independent of 1.50.
Download :
Satay at Chomp Chomp
This time I am going to recommend the Satay at Chomp Chomp. Thats a place I used to hang out back in my service days. Because its close to my grandma and its a quiet place back then. Now you have to be early to grab a seat and the stores has changed a lot. But some good ones are still around. Some I recommend is the Hokkien Prawn Noodle which is still very good. Also, the chicken wings, but its not as good as the one in Bedok Central. Do also remember to try the $3 sugar cane mega glass there. Its like a personal Tiger Jar except its sugar cane.
Satay, you have at least 3 choices there... More if I am not wrong, but guess what happened, J has decided to order from the only Halal one there. There were these 2 guys manning it and one of the kinda look very fair. J mistooked him for a chinese and only to realize when he say "Speak English". :P Well, I guess I would had too. Their satay was a long wait, I was not very happy but there were things to keep me occupied. But I must say, its damn worth the wait. The chicken is very tender. Bouncy and juicy. Its not hard like some of the other satay I seen outside. The beef and mutton is great too, but among all I guess I love hte mutton, which is so surprising cos I usually hate Halal food, and among all mutton which usually smells to me.
Do try it if you drop by Chomp Chomp at Serangoon. BTW, thats also where Chu Chu came from. We had been there many times, but had only eaten there once due to many reasons... There is another newer food center just opposite, but its very different type of environment. Well, the prawn noodle is good too there, thats about it though. :)
Thursday, September 27, 2007
M18 Pearl at OG
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Japanese Film Festival 2007 - True Romance
The first was "Vengence is Mine" (復讐するは我にあり/ Fukushû suruwa wareniari). This is a really good story about a jailbird who returned to his life and find many things has changed. The only things that has not changed is his way of criminal life. With the betrayal of his wife to his own father, that send him on a rampage to kill 5 other persons befoer he was finally caught. He impersonate university lecturer, lawyers and even fake his own death along the way. This is long before we had "Catch me if you can" in 1982.
The romance is this show is probably between the inn keeper lady and our anti hero as well as his wife and his father. Its sick in a certain way, but the theme of a hopeless love surrounds this show.
Tjhe 2nd movie I caught was "The Ballad of Narayama" (楢山節考 / Narayama Bushiko). This is the story about olden days Japanese in a cold village in the mountains where law is not what we know of today. The villagers has their own law and believes and along the show, we saw the brutal murder of a family by burying them alive, killing of old people who has reach age of 70 and others. This show portrail the hardness in survival against natural in this poor vilalge, where food is of high importance. Much more than even life itself. Sacrifice were made as a result in the most sad and cruel way. There is NO romance in this show if you asked me and the R21 is really quite unncessary. There is savage sex though, if thats what it is for. Sex just for the sake of relief rather than passion.
I had not caught anything today because the title did not attact me much. However, since the theme is True Romance, I would had hope they brought in really good love story such as "Inugami", "The Lost Eden" and other classics. In this next whole week, there is still movies running at night on weekdays and on the coming sat and sun. My recommendations will go with "Moon and Cherry"(月とチェリー / Tsuki to Cherry, "Tokyo Marigold"(東京マリーゴールド) and "Life can be so Wonderful"(世界は時々美しい / Sekai wa tokidoki utsukushii). Who knows? You may catch me there at these screening.
* Some screening are free while others are not.
More info :
Friday, September 14, 2007
Xiao P ~ Toilet
Pretty nice toilet, new sand too...
Hei, stop filming... Some privacy ok?
Xiao P ~ Its feeding time!
Some left over from last night, I will finish these first...
Ok, now its really time to look for food.
Lets check my feeding bowl, there plenty of (junk) food there...
Isn't he cute... the feeding bowl is just his size...