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Saturday, November 17, 2007

PL4L - Pay Less 4 Less

Yes, we should have a pay less for less campaign. We are asking for less salt, less sugar, less fat and less whatever. But the price we pay for asking for less? We pay more?

It is just not logical that when manufacturer uses less of these ingredients, it would end up charging the consumer more for it? Why? Are consumers just suckers? Or somehow manufacters hass found a way to justify it would cost more if they put less of something into their product? This alll sound so fishy. Did the Sugar Association brided all the manufacturer to put more sugar into their products? And as a result of less sugar, they lose the support of the Sugar Association (less bribe may result too).

Thats why we need to have this PL4L campaign. We should ask for less and in turn pay less for them. Maybe I will start a petition to get this started.

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