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Sunday, December 31, 2006
Xiao P moves again
Owe $ Return $ or Else 2 : The Last Name
First a few clues. Got the name from the telephone book. Thats the last place anyone will need to look to threaten people for money. You never know who you might hit (Like me).
Next, there is a stupid mistake. Phone number. Ah long will never want to be contact. They will contact you... Sound like one of those job I did where the customer will say, "Don't call us, we'll call you.". :P
Given the 2 facts, there is one clear answer. I am not the victim, but the tool. The victim is the guy/gal with the phone number. Let's look at the real story.
Guy A hates Gal B cos she was bitching around with other guys or watever. So Guy A grab the phone book and wrote tons of message threating people for money with Gal B number. Guy A expects the people to call and harass her, report to police and watever that gets Gal B into trouble.
Sound like a possible answer? OK, maybe except the bitching around part. But anyway, I believe that was what happended.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
The day there was no internet...
2 death. 32 injured. MILLIONS of people crippled by the internet.
Haiz. What can I say. There was a time when Xmas is about giving present and enjoying turkeys. Now its about disaster and internet problems. I wont be surprised if Bin F-cking Laden will come out and claim that he caused the Internet failure (or even the earthquake itself)... Funny... but I find it hard to laugh.
The Internet has became so a part of our life that we cant live without it anymore... I can only hope that everything get fixed soon. But FAT hope that is. According to Starhub (you know what SingNet has not even made an annoucement about this yet...) has claim that this will take like 3 weeks to fix. 3 WEEKS!!!
Its time for a long vacation I say. Somewhere cold and no need for Internet perhaps. Syberia? Hehe :P Or maybe its finally the right time to down all my servers and perform the OS upgrade they had long due to perform. Maybe with a compliment AV scan and defrag. Now will be the good time.
Hell, I should spend less time on the Internet. This is clearly an addiction. I should not evne be writting on this blog now. I am going for a cup of coffee and a slow walk in the rain.
HD Regenerator vs Spinrite
Now, Spinrite has many mode. The fastest is the test mode which I ran against my other HDD. HDD Regenrator sure saved my HDD. Fact of life. But Spinrite ran at like 100x the speed. It took like 30 minutes to complete where HDD Regenrator took 16 hours. OK, not 100x, but you get the idea.
However, do keep in mind the test level is probably different. And leaving this to run over the night 7 hours and 7 minutes has no difference. I say, both these tools are great things to keep and run at as good periodical testing. Audits should include a question that check if the HDD is periodically tested :) Rather than waiting for it to go bad sector and fail on you. You agree?
Friday, December 22, 2006
Owe $ Return $ or Else...
We all know what this is about...
But what if you received one of these in your mail box addressed to you?
Strange right? It say :
Owe $ Return $ or Else you will see...
He even left you a handphone number...
OK, I know he gotten the address from the phonebook. How I know, I am not going to tell, but this is so. So what do you think is actually going on? Make a guess.
Hint : I did NOT owe any money. So lets not guess along this wrong direction.
Chaos vs Order
In Singapore, there is too much order if you ask me. Everything must queue. So Singaporean can easily win any contest as far as queuing is concerned. There are people who queue for like 1 week just for a place in school, queue overnight for Hello Kitties, queue for flats that hasn't been released yet... And you ask whose fault is it? My question is WHY they let these people queue?
Is queuing better? Suppose all is by ballot. Just lock in your tickets and picked by random. There will be no queue. As long as you lock in before the end of period. Will this be a better system? Everyone is equal. It does not matter if you queue first or come at the last minute. It does not matter if you heard about it and started queuing 1 week ago... Will this be better. Less crowds. Less people crowding in small places waiting for a disaster to happen. Well, I know you will think of terrorist, but even a stampede could at killed many.
If you do agree random picking is better. Then you have agreed with me that this is a time when chaos is better than order. In Chaos everyone is the same. There is no someone is "more" equal than others.
Chaos Cultist :
"We are Chaos and Chaos is strong!"
Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist
Phews... I suppose I probably screw a few up. But still managed to get a near perfect score... :)
This must be a sign that I should study harder and not take luck for granted.
Now, I am waiting for my new gen welcome kit from Microsoft... Need to print new name cards too. :P
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Dominoco HDD down with bad sectors
I remember the good old Spinrite which I kept somewhere... But was not able to find it... Then I realized I also bought this piece of software sometime back called HDD regenerator. Better give it a shot.
Was start since last night 12am.... Going... 50% this morning at 7am... I estimated it compleleted by now... Lets hope so.
Monday, December 11, 2006
另一首歌, 另一首傷心的故事
我緊擁著你 卻經已失去我自己
一條漫長路經已走到這裡 (不能停止的想你念你)
走下去我就不再是我自己 (望著你就忘了我自己)
Repeat (A)
一條漫長路經已走到這裡 (不能停止的想你念你)
走下去我就不再是我自己 (望著你就忘了我自己)
Repeat (B)
Repeat (C)
Repeat (A)
我緊擁著你 卻經已失去我自己
Another Sweet Song
Another Heartbreaking Story
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Meaning of Fuck
Here is the f*cking answer btw :
1. The universally recognized "F word"
2. N. Implying complete and utter confusion
3. N. a really stupid person
4. V. To procreate
5. adj. Can be used to modify any word for more passion
6. Int. Expresses disgust
7. Int. Expresses complete suprise and joy
8. adv. Can be used to make a command more urgent
Example :
1. I do not accept the "F word" as your name
2. What in the fuck?
3. You stupid fuck!
4. I suggest we go fuck in your mothers bed while eating crackers and petting a cat name mittens!
5. This fucking guy was so fucking weird. He asked me if I was fucking insane.
6. Aw, FUCK!!
7. Holy fuck! You guys rock!
8. Just fucking jump before I fucking kick you in the balls!
Actually we all uses FUCK as in VERY... Example : He is fucking rich. She is fucking poor. She is beauti-fucking-ful. Well that last example is a way to instead fuck into the middle of a adj to enhance the effect.
Well, hope you dun fucking faint on me after reading this.
绝世雄才 ("楚汉骄雄"主题曲)
A Test of Fate
Sitting there on the bus and a girl on the oppo seat facing you, crying her out.
Yes, has been seeing this lately much. Another case was near my place in front of the mosque and another time on the MRT. I have no idea why I am meeting such sadness around me lately.
I really have no idea what is the RIGHT thing to do? Ask her what happened? Err… Might not be a great idea. And I NEVER carry a pack of tissue with me!! Well, it’s not that easy to pretend that this is not happening either. In fact, that’s what I did for the past few times. The latest one was with this mother and small girl. It’s after a phone call. I can only imagine it’s that they must have lost someone very dear. At times like this I really do not know how to handle it. Talk about DRP!
Suddenly I kinda feel that it’s a test from fate herself. I feel that this might continue to happen again and again until I can figured out what is the right thing to do and do it. Its really strange because everytime I did not do anything I felt something not right about it. This really kinda sound like a butterfly effect. IF you are reading this, give me a suggestion!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Bini and Ashley
Xiao P and his new home
Hasta La VISTA, Windows!
Anyway, I guess for soundcard its just the same like scanner. Lets wait and see...
The Executive Desktop
1. Microsoft Executive Desktop Keyboard Suite
2. Some desktop computer system
3. Some sort of palm size electronic device
Well, I suppose that covers all right?
You will be very surprise my friend. To collect the item, you will have to go to another place somewhere in Macpherson. The catch is that when you collect it, so does you warranty starts. I am sure we remember Philips tried to pull this, times after times. Giving away electrical goods like coffee makers and stuff. But at least that quite worth it! Its your choice to take it or not.
Anyway, I was there to collect it. There is a list to sign and everyone practically got The Executive Desktop. I saw like 10 person listed with address, hp and whatever you want you name it… Then the office girl brought out The Executive Desktop…
The following item may be scary to some people, please do not proceed if you feel that you can stand the urge to find out what it is…
Hint : Its got nothing to do with computer...
Still want to see?
It not worth much...
Its not very useful either, you can't connect it to anything...
Damn, its not even worth collecting...
OK, here is it :
To tell or not to tell?
“There was no bomb found. The woman was charged for falsely reporting of a bomb and disruption public transport. She is sentence to 12 year imprisonment and … “
Well, what do you think of it? The biggest problem I find in this society is that it does not reward those we would stand up out the crowd. This has to be changed or else who would ever risk their neck for others. Its not that nobody realized there is a package there. Everyone saw it. But nobody is willing to take the risk of reporting it. The law here favors the punishment more than the reward so to speak.
Therefore, I still think although I did not mean it, what I advised is probably the right thing to do except I should add that if it’s a bomb, you should just leave it alone and leave the train ASAP. Bomb is after all not out business and we do not know if it’s a real bomb. Reporting it and proven a fake one will still end you up in jail. So what’s the point?
My 2 cents. To be honest, I saw a laptop left behind before and it was the biggest temptation I had faced. But I left it alone. Damn, must be mad I am not? I hate myself sometimes...
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Britannica is now on Vista!
Now, there are some MAJOR hardware issues as well. I had to put out the soundcard. Hercules is not likely to continue to support the Fortissimo 7.1 anyway. Guess it may be a good time to let go. I had to let my 5 years scanner go as well. After all those years, I guess time has finally forces me to move on.
Well anyway SITEX is coming so I guess its a good timing.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Who waste the most paper?

All these came in 1 single letter. Let me see, its about 15 pages of A4 paper or so... We have our winner! Thank you so much for killing our forest, Reader Digest!
Old man stealing from the Recycle Bin!

Britannica Down for Vista!
Masters of Horror Season 2 Lineup
Yes, I can't wait to see season 2. Season 1 was really great! But still even till today, this is all the info we can get.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Upgrade Ubuntu 6.06 to Ubuntu Edgy Eft 6.10
Well this is the one that presumed you do.
Download the CD from and then burn it out.
Run :
apt-cdrom add
to add the CD to your source.
Next, you will want to upgrade immediately with :
apt-get dist-upgrade
This will take a while to get all the new updated modules into your Ubuntu from the CD.
Then now, run :
sed -e ’s/\sdapper/ edgy/g’ -i /etc/apt/sources.list
to modify your source to take from 6.10 instead of 6.06 in the future.
To complete, make sure you run :
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
to fetch and update the rest of the stuff from the web.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
We are Shinobi!
Simply comes down to a few simple rules.
1. No names.
2. No questions.
3. We forget EVERYTHING after it is completed.
And there is no package if thats what you are asking. :P
That really kinda comes to make me feel like we are Shinobi of feural Japan. We live to battle, to conquer our enemies. We are warriors of the shadow.
The only fear that I can think of is one day, just maybe, the whole security thing is over. Everything on the internet is safe. No more hackers, no more fraud or phishing. Maybe crooks find some better way to make a living such as selling souls or something. Then what will happen to the shadow knights who protected the internet? Are we then no longer needed? We live to fight, when there is no war, we cease to have a reason to live. In fact, our existance then might perhaps threaten the very thing that we were out to protect today. Did anyone think of that when they ACTUALLY said they wanted a SAFE world to live in...?
In conclusion, hackers and crooks are good. They are the reason why we exist. If one day they disappear, we will have to disappear into the darkness once again...
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Yahoo Auction Revolution
Forget, I presumed you just want to ignore me and hope I will just give up. Will I will. Looks like I put to much hope that Yahoo will do anythign about it.
Thanks for nothing.
----- Original Message ----
From: Yahoo! Singapore
To: Winston Avalon
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 3:46:17 PM
Subject: Re: Abuse - Excessive Profanity (KMM82935251V43955L0KM)
Hello Winston,
Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Singapore Auctions.
If Yahoo! believes, in its sole discretion, that there is a violation of
the Yahoo! Auction Terms of Service, Yahoo! reserves the right to edit,
refuse to post, or remove any content in Yahoo! Auctions -- immediately
without notice and for any reason.
For further information on the Yahoo! Auctions Guidelines and Terms of
Service, please visit the following links:
Senior Customer Care Specialist
Yahoo! Singapore
Original Message Follows:
Again, let me stress its not about the honoring and the bidding terms.
The fact was he bidded, did not response. End of auction.
BUT the issue was that this is the rating he left :
Here is the feedback the buyer, holy2001sg2000, has left on you
(you are not modifying this it is just here for reference):
ORIGINAL Sony NOT Sandisk Memory Stick Duo 64MB (Sep 11 21:34 2006
SGT)Buyer gives Bad Seller rating.Comment:hey
i alr told that i alr brought from ppl n i apologise n wat the f u
talking about?use yr brain n think ,is it i hav to wait for u came bk
from yr holiday stupid ass (Oct 15 16:53 2006 SGT)
IF Yahoo find that this is ok, then I rest my case and I should just
post an insult back to him if Yahoo feel this is the right thing to
encourage. I feel that the least you can do it to at least discourage
people from leaving this type of ratings!!!
----- Original Message ----
From: Yahoo! Singapore
To: Winston Avalon
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 9:54:12 AM
Subject: Re: Abuse - Excessive Profanity (KMM82922385V36422L0KM)
Hello Winston
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
The Yahoo! Auctions Abuse team has reviewed your rating and we have
found no violation of the Yahoo! Terms of Service at this time. For this
reason, we have determined that the rating will remain.
For further details on Yahoo!'s policies, we invite you to visit the
Yahoo! Terms of Service along with the Yahoo! Auctions Guidelines at:
Yahoo! Auctions expects its users to honor their commitments. If you
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item and you win, we ask that you complete the transaction. Yahoo! is
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bidders or sellers to honor their commitments. However, sellers and
bidders who do not complete transactions may be subject to negative
feedback and/or termination of their Yahoo! ID.
Yahoo! seeks to discourage bogus bidding. If you should encounter a
bogus bidder, you have a couple of options. You can cancel their winning
bid and sell to your second place winner, or you can resubmit your
Here are a few things you can do to try to avoid bogus bidders in future
1. Yahoo! Auctions provides sellers the ability to cancel bids in their
auctions at their own discretion. Because you cannot reverse this step,
we advise you to use this tool carefully and only as a last resort. Once
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** When Should I Use this Feature?
-If you have had repeat problems with someone bidding your auctions and
not following through, you can now delete their bids.
-If you are unable to contact someone because they have changed their
email address, you can cancel their bid.
** How Do I Use This Tool?
-Click on "Manage this auction" on your item page.
-In the Auction Manager, you will see a link to remove bids.
-Click on this and it will take you to a list of all the bidders in your
-Click on the bidder you wish to remove.
Once a bid has been cancelled, that bidder can no longer participate in
that auction.
2. You may want to check the box to Blacklist this bidder, to prevent
them from bidding on all your future auctions.
3. You can also set the minimum bidder rating when you submit an auction
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4. Finally, you have the option of leaving negative feedback for the
winning bidder if they do not follow through with the transaction.
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Please feel free to contact us again if you experience future problems
or if you did not find your answer in this message and need further
Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Singapore Customer Care.
Senior Customer Care Specialist
Yahoo! Singapore
Original Message Follows:
I understand you cant edit or remove the post, but he buyer is clearly
breaking the rules by insulting and using bad languages? Shouldn't you
at least ban or suspect the user the this type of behaviour? IF not,
everyone will be doing it because its ok.
I am just asking that Yahoo act accordingly to what you have stated in
your rules and not be leniant about upholding it.
----- Original Message ----
From: Yahoo! Singapore
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 2:50:56 PM
Subject: Re: Abuse - Excessive Profanity (KMM82912748V67824L0KM)
Hello Yahoo! user,
Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Singapore Auctions.
We appreciate your comments. Your ratings are a permanent part of your
Auctions profile. In the interest of impartiality, Yahoo! does not edit
ratings or feedback. We encourage you to contact the party that has
given you the negative rating and try to resolve the situation.
If you feel that you have been unfairly rated by a buyer/seller, you can
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may also wish to post feedback regarding that Auction member, as this
will warn others of the potential risks of dealing with them.
It is very important to us that Yahoo! Auctions is a safe place to
participate in Internet commerce and we appreciate your writing to us.
Please feel free to contact us again if you experience future problems
or if you did not find your answer in this message and need further
Senior Customer Care Specialist
Yahoo! Singapore
Original Message Follows:
Yahoo Auctions Resolution 3
But this doesn't answer my question at all. I want an answer whether Yahoo is going to do anything about it at all. If not, then I should just post an insult back to the user because Yahoo! is OK about this. I will repost the question here, please READ it and don't just reply me with an automaticed answer :
Again, let me stress its not about the honoring and the bidding terms.
The fact was he bidded, did not response. End of auction.
BUT the issue was that this is the rating he left :
Here is the feedback the buyer, holy2001sg2000, has left on you
(you are not modifying this it is just here for reference):
ORIGINAL Sony NOT Sandisk Memory Stick Duo 64MB (Sep 11 21:34 2006
SGT)Buyer gives Bad Seller rating.Comment:hey
i alr told that i alr brought from ppl n i apologise n wat the f u
talking about?use yr brain n think ,is it i hav to wait for u came bk
from yr holiday stupid ass (Oct 15 16:53 2006 SGT)
IF Yahoo find that this is ok, then I rest my case and I should just
post an insult back to him if Yahoo feel this is the right thing to
encourage. I feel that the least you can do it to at least discourage
people from leaving this type of ratings!!!
----- Original Message ----
From: Yahoo! Singapore
To: Winston Avalon
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 3:46:17 PM
Subject: Re: Abuse - Excessive Profanity (KMM82935251V43955L0KM)
Hello Winston,
Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Singapore Auctions.
If Yahoo! believes, in its sole discretion, that there is a violation of
the Yahoo! Auction Terms of Service, Yahoo! reserves the right to edit,
refuse to post, or remove any content in Yahoo! Auctions -- immediately
without notice and for any reason.
For further information on the Yahoo! Auctions Guidelines and Terms of
Service, please visit the following links:
Senior Customer Care Specialist
Yahoo! Singapore
Original Message Follows:
Again, let me stress its not about the honoring and the bidding terms.
The fact was he bidded, did not response. End of auction.
BUT the issue was that this is the rating he left :
Here is the feedback the buyer, holy2001sg2000, has left on you
(you are not modifying this it is just here for reference):
ORIGINAL Sony NOT Sandisk Memory Stick Duo 64MB (Sep 11 21:34 2006
SGT)Buyer gives Bad Seller rating.Comment:hey
i alr told that i alr brought from ppl n i apologise n wat the f u
talking about?use yr brain n think ,is it i hav to wait for u came bk
from yr holiday stupid ass (Oct 15 16:53 2006 SGT)
IF Yahoo find that this is ok, then I rest my case and I should just
post an insult back to him if Yahoo feel this is the right thing to
encourage. I feel that the least you can do it to at least discourage
people from leaving this type of ratings!!!
----- Original Message ----
From: Yahoo! Singapore
To: Winston Avalon
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 9:54:12 AM
Subject: Re: Abuse - Excessive Profanity (KMM82922385V36422L0KM)
Hello Winston
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
The Yahoo! Auctions Abuse team has reviewed your rating and we have
found no violation of the Yahoo! Terms of Service at this time. For this
reason, we have determined that the rating will remain.
For further details on Yahoo!'s policies, we invite you to visit the
Yahoo! Terms of Service along with the Yahoo! Auctions Guidelines at:
Yahoo! Auctions expects its users to honor their commitments. If you
offer an item for sale and a winning bid is made, or if you bid for an
item and you win, we ask that you complete the transaction. Yahoo! is
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bidders or sellers to honor their commitments. However, sellers and
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feedback and/or termination of their Yahoo! ID.
Yahoo! seeks to discourage bogus bidding. If you should encounter a
bogus bidder, you have a couple of options. You can cancel their winning
bid and sell to your second place winner, or you can resubmit your
Here are a few things you can do to try to avoid bogus bidders in future
1. Yahoo! Auctions provides sellers the ability to cancel bids in their
auctions at their own discretion. Because you cannot reverse this step,
we advise you to use this tool carefully and only as a last resort. Once
you've removed a bidder, they will be gone from your auction.
** When Should I Use this Feature?
-If you have had repeat problems with someone bidding your auctions and
not following through, you can now delete their bids.
-If you are unable to contact someone because they have changed their
email address, you can cancel their bid.
** How Do I Use This Tool?
-Click on "Manage this auction" on your item page.
-In the Auction Manager, you will see a link to remove bids.
-Click on this and it will take you to a list of all the bidders in your
-Click on the bidder you wish to remove.
Once a bid has been cancelled, that bidder can no longer participate in
that auction.
2. You may want to check the box to Blacklist this bidder, to prevent
them from bidding on all your future auctions.
3. You can also set the minimum bidder rating when you submit an auction
to prevent bidders from below that rating level from being able to bid
on your auction.
4. Finally, you have the option of leaving negative feedback for the
winning bidder if they do not follow through with the transaction.
It is very important to us that Yahoo! Auctions is a safe place to
participate in Internet commerce and we appreciate your writing to us.
Please feel free to contact us again if you experience future problems
or if you did not find your answer in this message and need further
Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Singapore Customer Care.
Senior Customer Care Specialist
Yahoo! Singapore
Original Message Follows:
I understand you cant edit or remove the post, but he buyer is clearly
breaking the rules by insulting and using bad languages? Shouldn't you
at least ban or suspect the user the this type of behaviour? IF not,
everyone will be doing it because its ok.
I am just asking that Yahoo act accordingly to what you have stated in
your rules and not be leniant about upholding it.
----- Original Message ----
From: Yahoo! Singapore
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 2:50:56 PM
Subject: Re: Abuse - Excessive Profanity (KMM82912748V67824L0KM)
Hello Yahoo! user,
Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Singapore Auctions.
We appreciate your comments. Your ratings are a permanent part of your
Auctions profile. In the interest of impartiality, Yahoo! does not edit
ratings or feedback. We encourage you to contact the party that has
given you the negative rating and try to resolve the situation.
If you feel that you have been unfairly rated by a buyer/seller, you can
respond to their rating of you and explain your side of the story. You
may also wish to post feedback regarding that Auction member, as this
will warn others of the potential risks of dealing with them.
It is very important to us that Yahoo! Auctions is a safe place to
participate in Internet commerce and we appreciate your writing to us.
Please feel free to contact us again if you experience future problems
or if you did not find your answer in this message and need further
Senior Customer Care Specialist
Yahoo! Singapore
Original Message Follows:
Yahoo Auction Resolution 2
Again, let me stress its not about the honoring and the bidding terms. The fact was he bidded, did not response. End of auction.
BUT the issue was that this is the rating he left :
Here is the feedback the buyer, holy2001sg2000, has left on you
(you are not modifying this it is just here for reference):
ORIGINAL Sony NOT Sandisk Memory Stick Duo 64MB (Sep 11 21:34 2006 SGT)Buyer gives Bad Seller rating.Comment:hey
i alr told that i alr brought from ppl n i apologise n wat the f u
talking about?use yr brain n think ,is it i hav to wait for u came bk
from yr holiday stupid ass (Oct 15 16:53 2006 SGT)
PLEASE LOOK CAREFULLY AT THE TONE AND WORDINGS USED BY holy2001sg2000. IF Yahoo find that this is ok, then I rest my case and I should just post an insult back to him if Yahoo feel this is the right thing to encourage. I feel that the least you can do it to at least discourage people from leaving this type of ratings!!!
----- Original Message ----
From: Yahoo! Singapore
To: Winston Avalon
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 9:54:12 AM
Subject: Re: Abuse - Excessive Profanity (KMM82922385V36422L0KM)
Hello Winston
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
The Yahoo! Auctions Abuse team has reviewed your rating and we have
found no violation of the Yahoo! Terms of Service at this time. For this
reason, we have determined that the rating will remain.
For further details on Yahoo!'s policies, we invite you to visit the
Yahoo! Terms of Service along with the Yahoo! Auctions Guidelines at:
Yahoo! Auctions expects its users to honor their commitments. If you
offer an item for sale and a winning bid is made, or if you bid for an
item and you win, we ask that you complete the transaction. Yahoo! is
not a party to these transactions and is not in a position to force
bidders or sellers to honor their commitments. However, sellers and
bidders who do not complete transactions may be subject to negative
feedback and/or termination of their Yahoo! ID.
Yahoo! seeks to discourage bogus bidding. If you should encounter a
bogus bidder, you have a couple of options. You can cancel their winning
bid and sell to your second place winner, or you can resubmit your
Here are a few things you can do to try to avoid bogus bidders in future
1. Yahoo! Auctions provides sellers the ability to cancel bids in their
auctions at their own discretion. Because you cannot reverse this step,
we advise you to use this tool carefully and only as a last resort. Once
you've removed a bidder, they will be gone from your auction.
** When Should I Use this Feature?
-If you have had repeat problems with someone bidding your auctions and
not following through, you can now delete their bids.
-If you are unable to contact someone because they have changed their
email address, you can cancel their bid.
** How Do I Use This Tool?
-Click on "Manage this auction" on your item page.
-In the Auction Manager, you will see a link to remove bids.
-Click on this and it will take you to a list of all the bidders in your
-Click on the bidder you wish to remove.
Once a bid has been cancelled, that bidder can no longer participate in
that auction.
2. You may want to check the box to Blacklist this bidder, to prevent
them from bidding on all your future auctions.
3. You can also set the minimum bidder rating when you submit an auction
to prevent bidders from below that rating level from being able to bid
on your auction.
4. Finally, you have the option of leaving negative feedback for the
winning bidder if they do not follow through with the transaction.
It is very important to us that Yahoo! Auctions is a safe place to
participate in Internet commerce and we appreciate your writing to us.
Please feel free to contact us again if you experience future problems
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Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Singapore Customer Care.
Senior Customer Care Specialist
Yahoo! Singapore
Original Message Follows:
I understand you cant edit or remove the post, but he buyer is clearly
breaking the rules by insulting and using bad languages? Shouldn't you
at least ban or suspect the user the this type of behaviour? IF not,
everyone will be doing it because its ok.
I am just asking that Yahoo act accordingly to what you have stated in
your rules and not be leniant about upholding it.
----- Original Message ----
From: Yahoo! Singapore
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 2:50:56 PM
Subject: Re: Abuse - Excessive Profanity (KMM82912748V67824L0KM)
Hello Yahoo! user,
Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Singapore Auctions.
We appreciate your comments. Your ratings are a permanent part of your
Auctions profile. In the interest of impartiality, Yahoo! does not edit
ratings or feedback. We encourage you to contact the party that has
given you the negative rating and try to resolve the situation.
If you feel that you have been unfairly rated by a buyer/seller, you can
respond to their rating of you and explain your side of the story. You
may also wish to post feedback regarding that Auction member, as this
will warn others of the potential risks of dealing with them.
It is very important to us that Yahoo! Auctions is a safe place to
participate in Internet commerce and we appreciate your writing to us.
Please feel free to contact us again if you experience future problems
or if you did not find your answer in this message and need further
Senior Customer Care Specialist
Yahoo! Singapore
Original Message Follows:
Mail-Id: 1160977310-9746
Auction ID Number or URL?;;;
What do you feel is the violation?
Excessive Profanity
Type your feedback here:
I find the buyer very rude and the calling of
names and insult is truly unacceptable. I hope
Yahoo will look into this and deal with it
accordingly. Please update me on the follow up.
Yahoo Auction Resolution
I am just asking that Yahoo act accordingly to what you have stated in your rules and not be leniant about upholding it.
----- Original Message ----
From: Yahoo! Singapore
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 2:50:56 PM
Subject: Re: Abuse - Excessive Profanity (KMM82912748V67824L0KM)
Hello Yahoo! user,
Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Singapore Auctions.
We appreciate your comments. Your ratings are a permanent part of your
Auctions profile. In the interest of impartiality, Yahoo! does not edit
ratings or feedback. We encourage you to contact the party that has
given you the negative rating and try to resolve the situation.
If you feel that you have been unfairly rated by a buyer/seller, you can
respond to their rating of you and explain your side of the story. You
may also wish to post feedback regarding that Auction member, as this
will warn others of the potential risks of dealing with them.
It is very important to us that Yahoo! Auctions is a safe place to
participate in Internet commerce and we appreciate your writing to us.
Please feel free to contact us again if you experience future problems
or if you did not find your answer in this message and need further
Senior Customer Care Specialist
Yahoo! Singapore
Original Message Follows:
Mail-Id: 1160977310-9746
One of hte user had used bad languages and was very rude about the comments after I gave him a bad rating... So I thought this is a good chance for me to test out Yahoo service to see if they tolerate this type of BS. So, here is the first response to Yahoo about the comment:
Auction ID Number or URL?;;
What do you feel is the violation?
Excessive Profanity
Type your feedback here:
I find the buyer very rude and the calling of
names and insult is truly unacceptable. I hope
Yahoo will look into this and deal with it
accordingly. Please update me on the follow up.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Virus at Play during lab lesson

Thursday, October 05, 2006
NanShin! Gataii! Go~AQUARION!!!
The sound of Silent
The story will probably be so much more peaceful than the other ones I had planned. So, you can say this is a big shift from my normal violent style to a more artistic kinda of view of life.
Of course you can rest assure I would take this chance to bash the world about how noisy and everything this world has become today. Then again, just answer me this question : When was it you last had silent? Did you not hear the sound of silent then? If you cannot remember, then is deaf a penalty? Or perhaps was it a gift instead?
Friday, September 29, 2006
SE K800i RMA
It all happened when I was receiving a phonecall, then suddenly WHITE screen of death and the phone turn off. Then I tried to on again, got white screen. Then nothing else since then.
I must say I m rather disappointed at the quality of the SE phone now... So sad... :(
Maybe I should have reserved the "Goodbye My Love" for this phone as well... :(
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Win XP NoSP, SP1 and SP1a will stop support on 10 Oct 2006
Read the above. Yes, its true, not a myth or anything. IF you are still not using XP SP2, this is a good time to consider moving on. If you are daring enough, go for Vista. But do expect 70% of your software will break.
For my poor friends who are still using dialup, you know who you are! You may want to pick up the SP2 CD from me.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Back from HITB 2006 Conference
BUT its well worth it. You know why? Cos I learned so much this time. And also lots of new faces and technology there. To mention some, got SCAPY (throw away netcat), IPv6 Hack from THC and others and other stuff.
This time round, we get to really hack something loh... Yes, I know... The bloody hotel internet charging system. Was a big mess I tell you. Well, in any case, since we are not basically bad guys, we still honestly pay for what we use. YES, with money, what do you mean with what?
Well, also get to see Anthony again, he is one of my favorite speakers. Others include Joanne who wrote the Vista Blue Pill (Well, finally I get to see her in personal, but anyway I was too shy to introduce myself :P) and a very interesting individual, Window. Yes thats her name. Ok, she was from Microsoft, but anyway she is the Chief Security Something-Or-Other (hei, thats the REAL designation ok?) of Mozilla now.
Coming to that we had decided to make some changes to our company front as well as some logistic things such as fancy email. Well, I actually would want to propose we have company designation like "The Tech Guy", "The Sales Guy" etc... It doesn't sound so stone. But this is Singapore... I am not sure how the locals takes that.
Well, I will post more on the conference later. Meantime, its rest and to disgest these stuffs.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Windows Vista RC1 5728
Nihon Chinbotsu 日本沉没 2006
For those of you who remmeber, Nihon Chinbotsu has been made into a TV series in the 80s. I very much enjoyed it. Now, its on the big screen.
Anyway, here is the trailer :
Lighting slot just got a bit cuter
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Bread Factory Horror
I think you might find thgese somewhere online, but those site are not what I recommend you see. Stanson Bakery in Malaysia is raided for non-HALAL compliance. But that is the least I care because what was shocking was the condition of the bakery. Also that is nothing I need to care unless I purchase these product. I took a spin at my kitchen and fainted....
(20 minutes later)
Ya, got those bread here. Was selling at 70cents per loaf last week. Must be due to this raid, clearing stock. Maybe change name and restart or what. Brand affected : High5, Sure Value.
So what sort of problem are we looking at...
1. Illegal Workers
2. Factory Hygiene Problem
3. No face mask and gloves
Well, better feed those remaining pieces to the cats downstairs now...