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Friday, September 29, 2006
SE K800i RMA
It all happened when I was receiving a phonecall, then suddenly WHITE screen of death and the phone turn off. Then I tried to on again, got white screen. Then nothing else since then.
I must say I m rather disappointed at the quality of the SE phone now... So sad... :(
Maybe I should have reserved the "Goodbye My Love" for this phone as well... :(
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Win XP NoSP, SP1 and SP1a will stop support on 10 Oct 2006
Read the above. Yes, its true, not a myth or anything. IF you are still not using XP SP2, this is a good time to consider moving on. If you are daring enough, go for Vista. But do expect 70% of your software will break.
For my poor friends who are still using dialup, you know who you are! You may want to pick up the SP2 CD from me.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Back from HITB 2006 Conference
BUT its well worth it. You know why? Cos I learned so much this time. And also lots of new faces and technology there. To mention some, got SCAPY (throw away netcat), IPv6 Hack from THC and others and other stuff.
This time round, we get to really hack something loh... Yes, I know... The bloody hotel internet charging system. Was a big mess I tell you. Well, in any case, since we are not basically bad guys, we still honestly pay for what we use. YES, with money, what do you mean with what?
Well, also get to see Anthony again, he is one of my favorite speakers. Others include Joanne who wrote the Vista Blue Pill (Well, finally I get to see her in personal, but anyway I was too shy to introduce myself :P) and a very interesting individual, Window. Yes thats her name. Ok, she was from Microsoft, but anyway she is the Chief Security Something-Or-Other (hei, thats the REAL designation ok?) of Mozilla now.
Coming to that we had decided to make some changes to our company front as well as some logistic things such as fancy email. Well, I actually would want to propose we have company designation like "The Tech Guy", "The Sales Guy" etc... It doesn't sound so stone. But this is Singapore... I am not sure how the locals takes that.
Well, I will post more on the conference later. Meantime, its rest and to disgest these stuffs.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Windows Vista RC1 5728
Nihon Chinbotsu 日本沉没 2006
For those of you who remmeber, Nihon Chinbotsu has been made into a TV series in the 80s. I very much enjoyed it. Now, its on the big screen.
Anyway, here is the trailer :
Lighting slot just got a bit cuter
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Bread Factory Horror
I think you might find thgese somewhere online, but those site are not what I recommend you see. Stanson Bakery in Malaysia is raided for non-HALAL compliance. But that is the least I care because what was shocking was the condition of the bakery. Also that is nothing I need to care unless I purchase these product. I took a spin at my kitchen and fainted....
(20 minutes later)
Ya, got those bread here. Was selling at 70cents per loaf last week. Must be due to this raid, clearing stock. Maybe change name and restart or what. Brand affected : High5, Sure Value.
So what sort of problem are we looking at...
1. Illegal Workers
2. Factory Hygiene Problem
3. No face mask and gloves
Well, better feed those remaining pieces to the cats downstairs now...
Nenshin! Gattai! GO AQUARION!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Food Festival Frustration

SE K800i Emulate MegaBass
But the least you can do is to somehow get the bass effect close to what MegaBass was.
To do so, go set the equalizer to manual.
Then Set it to a Valley shape.
That will be the both side full. The middle part low. Does not need to be zero...
Now try it.
Thats should give you something that is close.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Vista RC1 Build 5600
You can download it at :
32 Bits
64 Bits
Please read carefully the details at :
And have your keys ready. Without it, you can't run it for long.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Sony Ericsson K800i Megabass-less
This is quite sad. To believe K750i has it and this comes to a downgrade. At least by specs anyway. But the good news is that, the bass is actually pretty strong on its own. So I am not saying the sound is like shit. In fact, I think its pretty good enough on its own. But it does not carry the Megabass logo kinda disturb me thats all.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
JRE and Ubuntu and Firefox
I tried a few times installing the java plugins but never got it to work...
Anyway, this is the way to do it. Not using Firefox plugin download whatever...
Goto :
Download JRE (Update 8 as of now) the Linux self-extract. Not the RPM, unless you are Fedora etc
Some of the other links brings you to Update 6 which is a waste of time if you ask me.
Well, it certainly wasted my time cos I need to download Update 8 again!
Then sudo or root yourself and copy the *.bin to /usr/java.
Now run : chmod 755
Then naturally ./
Now Java is in. Next need to link the Firefox and Mozilla to this.
Goto /usr/lib/firefox/plugins.
Run : ln -s /usr/java/jre1.5.0_08/plugin/i386/ns7/
Don't blindly copy. This link goes to the Update 8... In future will be change. Make sure you know the directories exist etc. Anyway good Linux should complain it it doesn't.
Then do the same in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.
You are good to go now.
Somehow that some 400% more complicated then installing it in Windows right? I absolutely agree.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Sony Ericsson K800i Xenon Flash

This picture is taken in pitch black. Total dakrness. I set the timer and flash it inside the store room... Dun judge me on the storeroom. Its a mess that even I avoid... But look at the quality of the output of the picture using flash...

This one is
almost darkness... I taken this in my room without any light... Notice you can even tell some of the brands and item there... Yes, I know its a mess, please dun leave any comments about the messy place. This means I got do work ok? But feel enticed by the Xenon flash...
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Temesek Card
You will be just surprise how much Temesek holdings covers in Singapore...
Forbidden Siren

This show is cool. Not bad. As good as Silent hill I feel. Go for it!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Vista needs to be activated in ... Days
See this :

OK, thats gives me about 2 days to go... But if you click Activate now...
Now I am confused. Is this 2 days or 13 days. I can't believe such a obvious bug exists!
Friday, September 01, 2006
Vista RC1 Breaks everything again
AVG - B2 ok, now canot load the GUI at startup
Daemon Tools - B2 ok, now cannot even install the driver
Fineprint - I cant remember B2, but I thought I got it working. Now RC1 cannot install.
WinRAR - B2 ok, RC1 ok.
Total Commander - B2 ok, RC1 ok.
Easy Media Creator - B2 ok, Have to try on RC1 to find out. No way I going back to Nero.
Office 2007 B2 - B2 ok, RC1 ok.
Paint Shop Photo Album - B2 ok, RC1 ok.
Paint Shop Pro - B2 ok, RC1 ok.
SecureCRT / Secure FX - B2 ok, RC1 ok.
Well, we do need to reconsider some of the software choices...